The story...
Our beloved friends in spindle have reached us to help them design their visual strategy and identity. they were seeking a neat and modern representation for their brand. Spindle is a new firm, located specifically in Dubai, UAE. They provide commercial services and logistics for the whole Middle East and North Africa. Our design strategy focused on building a simple and unique "icon" inspired form the structural shape of the spindle. We build it to be simple and easy to use. To help them in their process of production and handling.
Our beloved friends in spindle have reached us to help them design their visual strategy and identity. they were seeking a neat and modern representation for their brand. Spindle is a new firm, located specifically in Dubai, UAE. They provide commercial services and logistics for the whole Middle East and North Africa. Our design strategy focused on building a simple and unique "icon" inspired form the structural shape of the spindle. We build it to be simple and easy to use. To help them in their process of production and handling.
#Color palette